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EU-CONEXUS Micro-credentials: Online Short Courses – First Call Now Open!

Poštovane studentice, poštovani studenti prijediplomskih razina,

 u nastavku obavijesti pogledajte kratak tekst o mogućnostima stjecanja dodatnih kvalifikacija (EU-CONEXUS micro-credentials) za studente.

Mikrokvalifikacije omogućuju studentima usvajanje dodatnih vještina koje su često prilagođene specifičnim potrebama tržišta rada. Također, ove kvalifikacije mogu studentima pružiti konkurentsku prednost prilikom traženja zaposlenja te doprinijeti njihovom profesionalnom razvoju.

Ovim putem vas pozivamo da da dodatno ulažite u svoje obrazovanje i buduću karijeru.


🚀 Enhance your skills with the new offer of Short courses (micro-credentials), designed to provide you with the most demanded skills in today's job market. 


The 1 ECTS micro-credentials will provide you with 🌍 entrepreneurial, 💻 digital and 🌱 green skills to improve your future integration into the professional world. All topics have been chosen based on analysis of the most relevant reports in the labour market.


Scroll to the bottom of the page to see all of 32 free short courses (micro-credentials) you can sign up for right now. 👀✨


Check out the micro-credentials website


Check out the full catalogue of micro-credentials

📆 The application deadlines for micro-credentials for the Spring semester 2025 are as follows:

  • Between 13/01 and 12/02/2025, you can apply for micro-credentials starting in March, April and May 2025.
  • Between 13/02 and 12/03/2025, you can apply for micro-credentials starting in April and May 2025.
  • Between 13/03 and 03/04/2025, you can apply for micro-credentials starting in May 2025.

⚠️ Students will be admitted on a first come, first served basis!


At the end of any of the courses, you will receive a certificate that you can attach to your CV or LinkedIn to reflect your training in currently demanded competences and transversal skills.

Sign up now!

👇 Here are some of the micro-credentials you can take this semester.


David Bebić, mag. oec.

Communication Manager
EU-CONEXUS - European University for Smart Urban Coastal Sustainability



Ulica Mihovila Pavlinovića 1

23000 Zadar, Hrvatska


Tel: + 385/23 200 689

E-mail: dbebic@unizd.hr

Disclaimer: Funded by the European Union. The views and opinions expressed are solely those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union, the European Commission, or its executive agencies. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.
